For the staff here at the Jennie Woodworth Library know that fostering a love for reading and learning begins when children are beginning to read. One way to encourage that love is to provide books of interest. Also to have books over relevant topics that are nonfiction.

The Worst Years of My Life (Middle School #01) by James Patterson
The Worst Years of My Life (Middle School #01) by James Patterson
Get MeOut of Here! (Middle School #02) by James Patterson
MyBrother Is a Big, Fat Liar (Middle School #3) by James Patterson
How I Survived Bullies,Broccoli, and Snake Hill (Middle School #4) by James Patterson
1,000 Facts aboutDinosaurs, Fossils, and Prehistoric Life by Patricia Daniels
Alabama (a True Book: My
United States) by Jo S
America's 50 States:
Maps, Flags, Dates, and Fun Facts! By Flying Frog

Coding for Kids 3:Create Your Own App with App Inventor by Monica Oriani Cauduro
Coding with Basher:Coding with Scratch by The Coder School
Earth's Place in Space
by Tara Haelle
Florida (a True Book: My
United States) by Tamra B Orr
How to Be a Coder: Learnto Think Like a Coder with Fun Activities by Kiki Prottsman
I Ate Sunshine forBreakfast by Michael Holland
Investigating Forces andMotion by Richard Spilsbury
Investigating Magnetism by Richard Spilsbury

Louisiana (a True Book:
My United States) by Jennifer Zeiger
The Maker's Guide to
Building Robots by Raul Laperia,
Maryland (a True Book:
My United States) by Vicky Franchino
Mississippi (a True
Book: My United States) by Jennifer Zeiger
New Hampshire (a True
Book: My United States) by Nel Yomtov
New Jersey (a True Book:
My United States) by Nel Yomtov
New York (a True Book:
My United States) by Cody Crane
North Carolina (a True
Book: My United States) by Ann O Squire
Saving Lady Liberty:
Joseph Pulitzer's Fight for the Statue of Liberty by Claudia Friddell
Science and Sustainable Water by
Stuart A Kallen
The Science of Hydro andWave Energy by James Bow
The Science of SolarEnergy by Arnold Ringstad
The Science of WindEnergy by Maddie Spalding
The Solar System by
Rebecca Kraft Rector

Sun, Moon, and Stars by
Emily Sohn
Tennessee (a True Book:
My United States) by Melissa McDaniel
Vermont (a True Book: My
United States) by Jennifer Hackett
Virginia (a True Book:
My United States) by Jennifer Hackett
West Virginia (a True
Book: My United States) by Martin Schwabacher
What Do You Celebrate?:Holidays and Festivals Around the World by Whitney Stewart
Wildlife Worlds North America by Tim Harris
Unlocking the Secrets of the Solar System by Megan Kopp
Updated 9/11/2020 to include permalinks in catalog
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