Showing posts with label End of Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label End of Year. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2020

Statistically Speaking... 2019

The Jennie Woodworth Library serves White Bluff, TN and its surrounding areas. Our service population is approximately 3,600 people (

Using the Library Value Calculator on the website we decided to add up the value of our library in 2019. The value is based on books, movies, CD-books, computer use, program attendance, and making use of the knowledge the library staff has.

The value that the Jennie Woodworth Library brought to the White Bluff, TN area in 2019 is $68,646.
  • 2,438 Books were checked out.
  • 75 CD-Books were checked out
  • 612 DVDs were checked out

The computers were checked out 964 times with the average use being about 2 hours each. (we figured 1,928 hours for the stats.) And this does not count the many patrons that come in and use the WiFi with their own devices.

Attendance to programs approximately 225.

Reference questions, book suggestions, all around help in the library is figured at 648. This is different from hours opened. We are typically open 301 days a year totaling approximately 2,100 hours.

In addition, we currently have:
  • 1,434 patrons
    • 1,055 are adults
    • 379 are juvenile
  • 8,718 materials in our inventory
    • 7,018 books
    • 1,464 DVDs
    • 156 CD-Books
    • 75 Reference Materials
    • 4 patron use computers
    • 1 search computer
Pretty good for a library that gets the majority of its materials and funding from the community. Thank YOU for supporting us. We are excited to make an impact in our community and hope to increase in 2020.