Showing posts with label Library. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Library. Show all posts

Friday, December 6, 2019

Jennie's Christmas Mercantile

Season's Greetings Everyone!

It is the most wonderful time of the year and we are bringing to you some amazing vendors that have holiday gifts ready for you!

Our Christmas Mercantile is Saturday, December 14th from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. We do still have some booths open and the fee is $40.

As of Noon on December 6th, these are our vendors:

  • Thirty-One Gifts, Whitney Williams
  • Damsel in Defense, Martha Downing
  • Season Frost Art
  • Lorraine's Unique Jewelry, Music & Cards
  • Trina's Creations
  • Pink Zebra, Barbara Donnelly
  • Bee Creative & Beadit
  • Author, L.A. Smith
  • Ariel Inspired, Susan Dawson
  • Color Street, Rebecca Clinard
  • Mary Kay, Joyce Waggoner
  • ToJo Creek
  • Doterra, Lynn Wheatley
  • Partylite, MaryAnn Parish

To our community and patrons, PLEASE come out and support this fundraiser. We value the time and energy that our vendors are bringing for this event. 

There will be many different things available at the mercantile, sure to be something for everyone. Come out, bring a friend, and tell a friend.

The most up to date information can be found on the FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

November was fast!

Seems like just yesterday I was typing up the monthly weblog for October, but here we are.

November had a lot going on with Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving along with the NaNoWriMo.

November Events
               For NaNoWriMo we had 2 writers take on the challenge. And it was a challenge. Both writers learned a lot about themselves and how research when writing can determine how well the story is developed.

               This was a month long event with special days to get together. It was enjoyable. Next year we hope to have many more involved. (Stayed tuned for a Facebook poll at the beginning of the year.)

               We had a Thanksgiving themed Story time this past month as well. Our director enjoyed reading to the children and then making turkeys.

November Fundraiser Status
               At the beginning of the month we met the $500 match and were able to order the first phase of our new shelves. WE CAN NOT WAIT!

               We have an immeasurable amount of gratitude to those that have already donated and contributed. Thank you!

               We currently have $505 towards phase 2. Just need $495 more to get the second set of shelves ordered. It would be awesome to reach our goal before the end of December.

               We are hoping the first set will be here before Christmas. It is SO very exciting. (Just think, more room for more books!)

Future Events
               December 12th from 4-6 we will have craft and then StoryTime with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Our favorite jolly couple will be here at 5. We do request a $10 donation per family.

               December 14th from 10-4 is our Jennie's Christmas Mercantile. Several vendors will be here with MANY different gift items Please make sure to come and support them.

               In January we will be having a Story Time hosted by Ms. Jennifer. Look out for more information concerning that.

               (Would you be interested in hosting a story time for our kids? They really love it. It would involve reading and a small craft. Let us know!)

November New Patrons
               We made new friends in November! 23 new friends to be exact. 13 adult friends and 10 juvenile friends. We are glad to enlarge our library community.

November Circulation
               213 books were checked out! Way to go guys.
               47 DVDs were checked out. Do I hear movie night? We have a LOT of movies to choose from.
               6 CD-Books were checked out. These are awesome for our commuters.

               70 Computers were used. So very glad that our community can come and use the computers and access the Internet for free (just need a library card). We have seen our patrons apply for jobs, look for places to rent, work on schoolwork, and a lot more.

               Unfortunately, since January 1, 2019 we have 44 items overdue. Please make sure to return your items so others can use them.

November New Resources
               We added 51 new resources to our collection in November. 18 were purchased new the rest were donated. Thank you!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Here come December Events!

It's hard to believe that 2019 is almost gone!

Before it is though, we have some fun events coming up.

December 12th Mr. and Mrs. Claus are going to stop by for a visit for an afternoon story time. At 4 pm, we will have a Christmas story and craft with the Jolly elf and his wife. Make sure to bring your camera for pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus. There is a $10 suggested donation per family.

December 14th Jennie's Christmas Mercantile will be in full swing from 10 am - 4 pm. Make sure to stop by and get your last minute Christmas shopping done. We want to support the vendors that are supporting us.

Please note that we will be closed December 24, 25, and 26 so that our staff and volunteers can spend time with their families.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Thank you! Don't Stop

At the end of September, we shared the post - We are growing, and you can help.

The gist of the post is that our library is growing and we need to add shelves in our fiction and our genealogy/local history areas.
Current display area where shelves
will be added in

So an awesome update!

The Friends of White Bluff offered a matching grant if we raised $500 towards are goal. On November 8th we reached $500 making our total $1000. We notified Tennsco and ordered phase one of our shelving.

We are looking forward to getting the new shelves and filling them.

Phase one of the shelving will add shelves in the fiction area. Currently it is where we have had a table with displays on it or our used book sale. (Never fear, our displays/book-sales are just relocating to other areas that are better suited for them.)
Non-fiction shelves

The shelves we will be installing match what we have used with our paperback books and our nonfiction books. These shelves will allow much needed space for our existing collection and continue to allow us to grow.

As you are able to see in the pictures, the metal shelves are tall and provide a lot of shelving space. This is great to add to our fiction section as we grow and have room.

We aren't finished, though.

We still are eager to get the shelves in the genealogy and local history section completed with a workstation. We are still working toward getting another $1000.

We have recently had people stop by looking into the history of the county and while they were able to take the reference materials to our sitting area, they would have loved it if the workstation was already in place.

How can you help?
Paperback shelves and Fiction

You can donate at The Jennie Woodworth Library in person. (We can take cash or check.)

You can participate in our fundraisers. The Jennie's Christmas Mercantile is December 14th 10-4 here at the Bibb-White Bluff Civic Center. Our story time on December 12th with Mr. & Mrs. Claus is also a fundraiser. ($10 donation per family suggested)

You can spread the word!

The Jennie Woodworth Library is supported by our patrons and community partners. We could not do what we do without you as a rural library. We appreciate everyone that contributes to our library and the programs that we are able to provide to the community.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Goodbye October! Hello November.

Image may contain: people sitting, table and indoorWe had a fun October!

There were several new additions to our library. Including 2 new volunteers! If you are here when Melba or Wade are, please give them a great big welcome! (We really love our volunteers! They are what keeps us going.)

The Johnson Family also had a work day and moved things around in the library to make a seating area for our patrons to be able to sit and enjoy the ambiance of our library. We also have tables and chairs that can be used for work or study.

October Events –
Story time for the Not So Scary Costume PartyWe had a Not So Scary Costume Party where several came out and were wearing their costumes. We appreciate Stephanie Crowder and Molly Hawkins doing the story time and craft. We had 37 in attendance.

October Fundraiser Status -
We are also doing a fundraiser so that we can add more shelves. Our overall goal is $2000. Currently, The Friends of White Bluff has committed $500 towards our goal as long as we get $500 raised on our own. As of this posting, we are at $460. Just need $40 more to get the match.

The great news here? Once we have $1000 we can proceed with phase one of the shelving.

Jennie's Christmas Mercantile December 14Future Events - 
In December we are having the Jennie's Christmas Mercantile December 14th from 10-4. We have openings for vendors and all the information is on the Facebook Event, Jennie's Christmas Mercantile

October New Patrons –
               We welcomed 26 new patrons. 8 Juvenile and 18 Adult. It is so wonderful to have new patrons of our library. We want everybody to know we are here and are a valuable resource to the community.        

October Circulation –
               319 books were checked out! Way to go guys.

               57 DVDs were checked out. Do I hear movie night? We have a LOT of movies to choose from.

               13 CD-Books were checked out. These are awesome for our commuters.

               71 Computers were used. So very glad that our community can come and use the computers and access the Internet for free (just need a library card). We have seen our patrons apply for jobs, look for places to rent, work on schoolwork, and a lot more.

               Unfortunately, since January 1, 2019 we have 48 items overdue. Please make sure to return your items so others can use them.

October New Resources –
               We have 62 new/new to us items added into our inventory.  48 Books, 7 DVDs, and 7 CD-Books. This is made possible by our community supporting our library. Of these additions, only 14 were purchased brand new. We appreciate the donations from our community.

               We accepted gently used materials that are in good condition. Currently we would really like to add to our CD-Book collection. There are many commuters in the area that enjoy listening to books while driving.

November Events -
November Event Calendar at Jennie Woodworth Library
Make sure to check out our events this month. We are proudly a Come Write In location for and will be having a couple events associated with it. We also have a story time coming up too.

We will see YOU at the library.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

November Events at JWL

Events for November 2019

In November we are celebrating National Novel Writers Month. You can find more information about NaNoWriMo at and the Young Writers Program at

The Jennie Woodworth Library has a classroom set up on the website for our younger writers that want to participate. If you stop by in October, we can give you the information for the Young Writers Program group.

The entire month of November, the library will be a Come Write In location for NaNoWriMo. We do have a few meetups also set up, be sure to check out our events list on Facebook.

But wait! That's not all. On November 20th we will have a story and craft time at 10:30 am. Make sure to mark your calendars!

The library will be closed on Veteran's Day, November 11th and also for Thanksgiving on November 28th and 29th.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

October Events at JWL

October is upon us! That means we have a new calendar.

Our hardback book sale ends October 5th. Then the paperback book sale is the week of October 7th, ending October 12th.

The NaNoWriMo prep workshops begin October 12th with an informational meeting. The planning workshops are October 26th and 28th.

October 17th join Ms. Stephanie for a fall craft at 4 pm.

Join us at the Veteran's Ball Field for the White Bluff Spooktacular on October 20th from 4-6 pm.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

New Friends!

We are so excited to welcome 28 new friends in the month of September!

It's GREAT to be friends!
It is so nice to meet you.

Our new friends are from all over in Dickson County and so very pleasant.

In addition to people, we also added more books and DVDs to the tune of 61 new and new to us items.

It is so exciting to be growing with you!

All of this growth is amazing. We love meeting new people and creating lasting relationships that will grow with us. We are so happy we are able to provide a collection of literature, DVDs, and audio books, as well as access to the internet and computers.

Thank you!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

We are Growing and YOU Can Help!

We are growing!

Because we are growing we really need some more shelf space.

The amazing thing is we have space to put new shelves and local business Tennsco is able to accommodate these spaces. We just need YOUR help.

When we have needs we depend on our community. You are our community.

The area we want to add shelves is where the display table currently sits. This will add room for more fiction books, free up space to better accommodate our new purchases and allow for more CD-Books.

We LOVE that we are growing!

This is a wonderful problem to have.

 The other area that we want to add shelves to is our reference and genealogy section. We want to be able to provide a pullout workstation for those that are researching.

We feel this will be an amazing addition to our library.

This comes down to us coming to the community. We would love to be able to do BOTH shelving units. We need to raise the money though.

Our goal is $2000.

Would you be willing to help?

Donations can be made at The Jennie Woodworth Library via cash or check. Checks will need to be made out to The Jennie Woodworth Library and marked in the memo that the donation is for the shelves. We apologize that at this time we are not able to accept credit card payments.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

September is Library Card Sign-up Month

Did you know that your local library has public access computers that all you or your child needs is a library card in order to use them?

Did you know that your local library has thousands of books that can benefit reading levels?

Did you know that your local library has hundreds of DVDs including non-fiction documentaries?

Did you know that your local library staff is happy to assist you?

We, we are your local library.

Here at the Jennie Woodworth Library we have many resources available to our community.

We have four public access computers that patrons can use for school purposes, looking for jobs, entertainment, and more.

We have thousands of books that provide entertainment and relaxation, in addition to a meager collection of non-fiction books. (Always looking to improve and expand!)

We have hundreds of DVDs that are available for a movie night or binge watching.

The best part? A library card is FREE and at the Jennie Woodworth Library our circulation is 2 weeks.

Did you lose your library card? That's okay too, a replacement card is only $2.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

New in the Children's/Youth Room this Week

We have new books in the kids room this week! Make sure to come by and check them out.

Juvenile Fiction

Escaping Peril ( Wings of Fire #8 ) by Tui T Sutherland

See the source imagePeril has been loyal to Queen Scarlet, who used her fatal firescales to kill countless dragons in the SkyWing arena. Now, Peril is loyal to Clay, the only dragonet who has ever been her friend. So when Scarlet threatens Jade Mountain Academy, Peril sets off to find her former queen, stop her, and save the day, no matter what it takes.

There's just one problem: a strangely persistent SeaWing, Turtle, insists on coming along, too. Turtle is worried about his friends, who left to search for Scarlet and haven't returned. Peril is worried that she might accidentally burn Turtle -- or burn him on purpose, for being so annoying -- and frustrated that she keeps saying and doing the wrong things. She can't escape her firescales, and she can't escape her reputation as the deadliest dragon in Pyrrhia.

So when she's offered a chance to trade everything for a second chance, Peril has to decide who she's really loyal to . . . and whether her own scales might actually be worth saving."

Talons of Power ( Wings of Fire #9 ) by Tui T Sutherland

29550388The war is over. The false prophecy has been fulfilled. But the dragonets still have enemies. A dark evil, buried for centuries, is stirring.

And a young NightWing may have had the first true prophecy in generations . . .

Something is coming to shake the earth
Something is coming to scorch the ground
Jade Mountain will fall beneath thunder and ice
Unless the lost city of night can be found.

Darkness of Dragons ( Wings of Fire #10 ) by Tui T Sutherland

33198183. sy475 A young NightWing may have had the first true prophecy in generations . . .
Something is coming to shake the earth
Something is coming to scorch the ground
Jade Mountain will fall beneath thunder and ice
Unless the lost city of night can be found.

Will the return of Darkstalker bring a horrible future to Pyrrhia? Or can five young dragons save the world -- again?

Don't miss the thrilling conclusion to the new prophecy in the epic, bestselling Wings of Fire series!

Young Adult

Dread Nation by Justina Ireland 

30223025. sy475 Jane McKeene was born two days before the dead began to walk the battlefields of Gettysburg and Chancellorsville—derailing the War Between the States and changing America forever. In this new nation, safety for all depends on the work of a few, and laws like the Native and Negro Reeducation Act require certain children attend combat schools to learn to put down the dead. But there are also opportunities—and Jane is studying to become an Attendant, trained in both weaponry and etiquette to protect the well-to-do. It’s a chance for a better life for Negro girls like Jane. After all, not even being the daughter of a wealthy white Southern woman could save her from society’s expectations.

But that’s not a life Jane wants. Almost finished with her education at Miss Preston’s School of Combat in Baltimore, Jane is set on returning to her Kentucky home and doesn’t pay much mind to the politics of the eastern cities, with their talk of returning America to the glory of its days before the dead rose. But when families around Baltimore County begin to go missing, Jane is caught in the middle of a conspiracy, one that finds her in a desperate fight for her life against some powerful enemies. And the restless dead, it would seem, are the least of her problems.

Monday, August 19, 2019

New Titles in Our Library

We have new additions to our shelves this month. Be sure to check our New Books for the following while perusing our shelves.

In Fiction

One Good Deed by David Baldacci
It's 1949. When war veteran Aloysius Archer is released from Carderock Prison, he is sent to Poca City on parole with a short list of do's and a much longer list of don'ts: do report regularly to his parole officer, don't go to bars, certainly don't drink alcohol, do get a job--and don't ever associate with loose women. The small town quickly proves more complicated and dangerous than Archer's years serving in the war or his time in jail. Within a single night, his search for gainful employment - and a stiff drink - leads him to a local bar, where he is hired for what seems like a simple job: to collect a debt owed to a powerful local businessman, Hank Pittleman. 

Soon Archer discovers that recovering the debt won't be so easy. The indebted man has a furious grudge against Hank and refuses to pay; Hank's clever mistress has her own designs on Archer; and both Hank and Archer's stern parole officer, Miss Crabtree, are keeping a sharp eye on him. 

When a murder takes place right under Archer's nose, police suspicions rise against the ex-convict, and Archer realizes that the crime could send him right back to prison . . . if he doesn't use every skill in his arsenal to track down the real killer. 

Iron Gold ( Red Rising 4 ) - Large Print by Pierce Brown

33257757A decade ago, Darrow was the hero of the revolution he believed would break the chains of the Society. But the Rising has shattered everything: Instead of peace and freedom, it has brought endless war. Now he must risk everything he has fought for on one last desperate mission. Darrow still believes he can save everyone, but can he save himself?

And throughout the worlds, other destinies entwine with Darrow’s to change his fate forever: 

A young Red girl flees tragedy in her refugee camp and achieves for herself a new life she could never have imagined.

An ex-soldier broken by grief is forced to steal the most valuable thing in the galaxy—or pay with his life.

And Lysander au Lune, the heir in exile to the sovereign, wanders the stars with his mentor, Cassius, haunted by the loss of the world that Darrow transformed, and dreaming of what will rise from its ashes.

Red Rising was the story of the end of one universe, and Iron Gold is the story of the creation of a new one. Witness the beginning of a stunning new saga of tragedy and triumph from masterly New York Times bestselling author Pierce Brown.

Dark Age ( Red Rising #5 ) by Pierce Brown

29226553. sy475 For a decade Darrow led a revolution against the corrupt color-coded Society. Now, outlawed by the very Republic he founded, he wages a rogue war on Mercury in hopes that he can still salvage the dream of Eo. But as he leaves death and destruction in his wake, is he still the hero who broke the chains? Or will another legend rise to take his place?

Lysander au Lune, the heir in exile, has returned to the Core. Determined to bring peace back to mankind at the edge of his sword, he must overcome or unite the treacherous Gold families of the Core and face down Darrow over the skies of war-torn Mercury. 

But theirs are not the only fates hanging in the balance.

On Luna, Mustang, Sovereign of the Republic, campaigns to unite the Republic behind her husband. Beset by political and criminal enemies, can she outwit her opponents in time to save him? 

Once a Red refugee, young Lyria now stands accused of treason, and her only hope is a desperate escape with unlikely new allies.

Abducted by a new threat to the Republic, Pax and Electra, the children of Darrow and Sevro, must trust in Ephraim, a thief, for their salvation—and Ephraim must look to them for his chance at redemption.

As alliances shift, break, and re-form—and power is seized, lost, and reclaimed—every player is at risk in a game of conquest that could turn the Rising into a new Dark Age.

Labyrinth by Catherine Coulter

42202083. sy475 On a dark night, Agent Sherlock is driving along circuitous mountain roads in West Virginia when her car is suddenly T-boned at an intersection. As her car spins out of control, a man’s body slams against her windshield and then—blackness. When she finally comes to, Sherlock has no memory of the accident, nor of the moments that led right up to it. But what she does know is that the man she hit is a local CIA analyst…and now he’s missing.

Meanwhile, in the small town of Gaffer’s Ridge, Virginia, Special Agent Griffin Hammersmith has just rescued a kidnapped woman who claims her captor admitted to the murder of three teenage girls. However, the man she accuses is related to the local sheriff and a member of a very powerful family. Special Agent Hammersmith reaches out to Sherlock for help, and they soon realize that the disappearance of the CIA analyst is actually connected to the string of murders. But how?

The Forgotten Road ( Broken Road #2 ) by Richard Paul Evans

36373599. sy475 Chicago celebrity and successful pitchman Charles James is supposed to be dead. Everyone believes he was killed in a fiery plane crash. But thanks to a remarkable twist of fate, he’s very much alive and ready for a second chance at life—and love. Narrowly escaping death has brought Charles some clarity: the money, the fame, the fast cars—none of it was making him happy. The last time he was happy—truly happy—was when he was married to his ex-wife Monica, before their connection was destroyed by his ambition and greed.

Charles decides to embark on an epic quest: He will walk the entire length of Route 66, from Chicago to California, where he hopes to convince Monica to give him another shot. Along the way, Charles is immersed in the deep and rich history of one of America’s most iconic highways. But the greater journey he finds is the one he takes in his heart as he meets people along the road who will change his perspective on the world. But will his transformation be enough to earn redemption?

The Road Home ( Broken Road 3) by Richard Paul Evans

42201449Chicago celebrity and pitchman Charles James is supposed to be dead. Everyone believes he was killed in a fiery plane crash, a flight he narrowly missed. But thanks to that remarkable twist of fate, he’s very much alive and ready for a second chance at life and love. Escaping death has brought Charles some clarity: the money, the fame, the expensive cars; none of it brought him true joy or peace. The last time he was truly happy was when he was married to his ex-wife Monica, before their relationship was destroyed by his ambition and greed.

In the exciting and provocative series that began with The Broken Road and The Forgotten Road, Charles is still on his pilgrimage across the iconic Route 66 in The Road Home. He intends to finish his trek from Amarillo to Santa Monica, despite learning that his ex-wife is now planning to marry another man. With the initial reason for his trip in jeopardy, he still has lessons to learn along the way before he discovers—and arrives at—his true destination.

Under Currents by Nora Roberts

42289976Zane Bigelow grew up in a beautiful, perfectly kept house in North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Strangers―and even Zane’s own aunt across the lake―see his parents as a successful surgeon and his stylish wife, making appearances at their children’s ballet recitals and baseball games. Only Zane and his sister know the truth, until one brutal night finally reveals cracks in the facade, and Zane escapes for college without a thought of looking back...

Years later, Zane returns to his hometown determined to reconnect with the place and people that mean so much to him, despite the painful memories. As he resumes life in the colorful town, he meets a gifted landscape artist named Darby, who is on the run from ghosts of her own.

Together they will have to teach each other what it means to face the past, and stand up for the ones they love.

The New Girl by Daniel Silva

42791437. sy475 At an exclusive private school in Switzerland, mystery surrounds the identity of the beautiful girl who arrives each morning and leaves each afternoon in a heavily protected motorcade fit for a head of state. She is said to be the daughter of a wealthy international businessman. She is not. And when she is brutally kidnapped across the border in the Haute-Savoie region of France, Gabriel Allon, the legendary chief of Israeli intelligence, is thrust into a deadly secret war with an old enemy that will determine the future of the Middle East—and perhaps the world . . .

The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead

42270835. sy475 Colson Whitehead brilliantly dramatizes another strand of American history through the story of two boys sentenced to a hellish reform school in Jim Crow-era Florida.

As the Civil Rights movement begins to reach the black enclave of Frenchtown in segregated Tallahassee, Elwood Curtis takes the words of Dr. Martin Luther King to heart: He is "as good as anyone." Abandoned by his parents, but kept on the straight and narrow by his grandmother, Elwood is about to enroll in the local black college. But for a black boy in the Jim Crow South in the early 1960s, one innocent mistake is enough to destroy the future. Elwood is sentenced to a juvenile reformatory called The Nickel Academy, whose mission statement says it provides "physical, intellectual and moral training" so the delinquent boys in their charge can become "honorable and honest men."

In reality, The Nickel Academy is a grotesque chamber of horrors, where the sadistic staff beats and sexually abuses the students, corrupt officials and locals steal food and supplies, and any boy who resists is likely to disappear "out back." Stunned to find himself in such a vicious environment, Elwood tries to hold on to Dr. King's ringing assertion "Throw us in jail and we will still love you." His friend Turner thinks Elwood is worse than naive, that the world is crooked and the only way to survive is to scheme and avoid trouble. 

The tension between Elwood's ideals and Turner's skepticism leads to a decision whose repercussions will echo down the decades. Formed in the crucible of the evils Jim Crow wrought, the boys' fates will be determined by what they endured at The Nickel Academy.

Based on the real story of a reform school in Florida that operated for one hundred and eleven years and warped the lives of thousands of children, The Nickel Boys is a devastating, driven narrative. 

In Nonfiction

Chemistry Essentials for Dummies by John T. Moore

8580532Whether studying chemistry as part of a degree requirement or as part of a core curriculum, students will find Chemistry Essentials For Dummies to be an invaluable quick reference guide to the fundamentals of this often challenging course. Chemistry Essentials For Dummies contains content focused on key topics only, with discrete explanations of critical concepts taught in a typical two-semester high school chemistry class or a college level Chemistry I course, from bonds and reactions to acids, bases, and the mole. This guide is also a perfect reference for parents who need to review critical chemistry concepts as they help high school students with homework assignments, as well as for adult learners headed back into the classroom who just need to a refresher of the core concepts. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

New Titles in our Adult Collection

In the New Books Section of our Adult Books you will find the following:


See the source imageSummer of ’69 by Elin Hilderbrand

The #1 New York Times and USA Today bestseller Four siblings experience the drama, intrigue, and upheaval of a summer when everything changed, in New York Times bestselling author Elin Hilderbrand's first historical novel Welcome to the most tumultuous summer of the twentieth century. It's 1969, and for the Levin family, the times they are a-changing. Every year the children have looked forward to spending the summer at their grandmother's historic home in downtown Nantucket. But like so much else in America, nothing is the same: Blair, the oldest sister, is marooned in Boston, pregnant with twins and unable to travel. Middle sister Kirby, caught up in the thrilling vortex of civil rights protests and determined to be independent, takes a summer job on Martha's Vineyard. Only-son Tiger is an infantry soldier, recently deployed to Vietnam. Thirteen-year-old Jessie suddenly feels like an only child, marooned in the house with her out-of-touch grandmother and her worried mother, each of them hiding a troubling secret. As the summer heats up, Ted Kennedy sinks a car in Chappaquiddick, man flies to the moon, and Jessie and her family experience their own dramatic upheavals along with the rest of the country. In her first historical novel, rich with the details of an era that shaped both a nation and an island thirty miles out to sea, Elin Hilderbrand once again earns her title as queen of the summer novel.

BacklashBacklash by Brad Thor

In ancient texts, there are stories about men who struck from the shadows, seemingly beyond the reach of death itself. These men were considered part angel, part demon. Their loyalty was to their families, their friends, and their kings. You crossed these men at your peril. And once crossed, there was no crossing back.

They were fearless; men of honor who have been known throughout history by different names: Spartan, Viking, Samurai.

Today, men like these still strike from the shadows. They are highly prized intelligence agents, military operatives, and assassins.

One man is all three.

Two days ago, that man was crossed – badly.

Now, far from home and surrounded by his enemy, Scot Harvath must battle his way out.

With no support, no cavalry coming, and no one even aware of where he is, it will take everything he has ever learned to survive.

But survival isn’t enough. Harvath wants revenge.

UnsolvedUnsolved by James Patterson

In the long-awaited follow-up to the #1 bestselling thriller INVISIBLE. . . the perfect murder always looks like an accident. FBI agent Emmy Dockery is absolutely relentless. She's young and driven, and her unique skill at seeing connections others miss has brought her an impressive string of arrests. But a shocking new case-unfolding across the country-has left her utterly baffled. The victims all appear to have died by accident, and have seemingly nothing in common. But this many deaths can't be coincidence. And the killer is somehow one step ahead of every move Dockery makes. How? To FBI special agent Harrison "Books" Bookman, everyone in the FBI is a suspect-particularly Emmy Dockery. But someone else is watching Dockery. Studying, learning, waiting. Until it's the perfect time to strike.

Lock Every DoorLock Every Door by Riley Sager

No visitors. No nights spent away from the apartment. No disturbing the other residents, all of whom are rich or famous or both. These are the only rules for Jules Larsen's new job as an apartment sitter at the Bartholomew, one of Manhattan's most high-profile and mysterious buildings. Recently heartbroken and just plain broke, Jules is taken in by the splendor of her surroundings and accepts the terms, ready to leave her past life behind.

As she gets to know the residents and staff of the Bartholomew, Jules finds herself drawn to fellow apartment sitter Ingrid, who comfortingly, disturbingly reminds her of the sister she lost eight years ago. When Ingrid confides that the Bartholomew is not what it seems and the dark history hidden beneath its gleaming facade is starting to frighten her, Jules brushes it off as a harmless ghost story . . . until the next day, when Ingrid disappears.

Searching for the truth about Ingrid's disappearance, Jules digs deeper into the Bartholomew's dark past and into the secrets kept within its walls. Her discovery that Ingrid is not the first apartment sitter to go missing at the Bartholomew pits Jules against the clock as she races to unmask a killer, expose the building's hidden past, and escape the Bartholomew before her temporary status becomes permanent.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

New Titles In Our Collection - Teen/Children Room

We have a new shipment of books in! Make sure to come in and "check out" our books.


There's a Hair in My Dirt!: A Worm's Story by Gary Larson

It begins a few inches underground, when a young worm, during a typical family dinner, discovers there's a hair in his plate of dirt. He becomes rather upset, not just about his tainted meal but about his entire miserable, wormy life. This, in turn, spurs his father to tell him a story—a story to inspire the children of invertebrates everywhere.

And so Father Worm describes the saga of a fair young maiden and her adventuresome stroll through her favorite forest, a perambulator's paradise. It is a journey filled with mystery and magic. Or so she thinks.


See the source imageThe Brightest Night by Tui T Sutherland (Book #5)

The dragonets struggle to fulfill the prophecy and -- somehow -- end the war in this thrilling new installment of the New York Times bestselling Wings of Fire series One will have the power of wings of fire. . . Sunny has always taken the Dragonet Prophecy very seriously. If Pyrrhia's dragons need her, Clay, Tsunami, Glory, and Starflight to end the war, she's ready to try. She even has some good ideas how to do it, if anyone would listen to her. But shattering news from Morrowseer has shaken Sunny's faith in their destiny. Is it possible for anyone to end this terrible war and choose a new SandWing queen? What if everything they've been through was for nothing? Buried secrets, deadly surprises, and an unexpected side to scavengers are all waiting for her in the shifting sands of the desert, where Sunny must decide once and for all: Is her destiny already written? Or can five dragonets change their fate and save the world. . . the way they choose?

See the source imageMoon Rising by Tui T Sutherland (Book #6)

The New York Times-bestselling series soars to even greater heights with a new prophecy and five new dragonets ready to claim their destiny Peace has come to Pyrrhia. . . for now. The war between the tribes is finally over, and now the dragonets of the prophecy have a plan for lasting peace: Jade Mountain Academy, a school that will gather dragonets from all the tribes and teach them to live together, perhaps even as friends. Moonwatcher isn't sure how she feels about school, however. Hidden in the rainforest for most of her life, the young NightWing has an awful secret. She can read minds, and even see the future. Living in a cave with dozens of other dragons is noisy, exhausting--and dangerous. In just a few days, Moon finds herself overwhelmed by her secret powers and bombarded by strange thoughts, including those of a mysterious dragon who might be a terrible enemy. And when someone starts attacking dragons within the academy, Moon has a choice to make: Stay hidden and safe? Or risk everything to save her new friends?

Winter Turning by Tui T Sutherland (Book #7)

Winter has been a disappointment to his royal IceWing family his whole life. When his sister, Icicle, runs away from Jade Mountain Academy, fleeing terrible crimes and possibly planning to commit more, Winter knows that they both need a second chance to make things right -- if only he can find her. Winter's new clawmates, Moon, Qibli, and Kinkajou, won't let him make this dangerous journey alone. They don't seem to understand that IceWings, the most superior of all dragon tribes, can fix their own problems. When their search leads the dragonets straight into Queen Scarlet's vicious talons, Winter is grateful to have some help. But even the bravest dragons can't follow him to the Ice Kingdom, where he'll have to face the greatest threat of all: his own family.


Escape from the Isle of the Lost by Melissa de la Cruz (Descendants #4)

Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos may have once been the baddest of the bad, but their wicked ways are (mostly) behind them-and now graduation is almost here! But before the seniors can don their custom-designed caps and gowns, courtesy of Evie, they've got an epic plan to put into action. There are tons of villain kids on the Isle of the Lost who are eager for their chance to come to Auradon Prep-even Celia, Dr. Facilier's trickster daughter, wants in on the deal!-and Mal's crew is using their upcoming visit to the Isle to help make it happen. But Auradon's biggest threat is still at large?

Trapped on the other side of the barrier, Uma is more desperate than ever to get her long-awaited revenge against Mal. When she discovers an underground lair belonging to Hades, god of the underworld, Uma realizes she's found the perfect partner in crime. Together, they can defeat Mal, bring down the barrier, and escape the Isle for good.

Mal and Uma have a score to settle, and they'll come face to face in an explosive underwater battle that could determine the fates of Auradon and the Isle of the Lost once and for all.

Turtles All the Way DownTurtles All the Way Down by John Green

JOHN GREEN, the acclaimed author of Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars, returns with a story of shattering, unflinching clarity in this brilliant novel of love, resilience, and the power of lifelong friendship.

Aza Holmes never intended to pursue the disappearance of fugitive billionaire Russell Pickett, but there’s a hundred-thousand-dollar reward at stake and her Best and Most Fearless Friend, Daisy, is eager to investigate. So together, they navigate the short distance and broad divides that separate them from Pickett’s son Davis.

Aza is trying. She is trying to be a good daughter, a good friend, a good student, and maybe even a good detective, while also living within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Back to School Bash

Hopefully by now you have heard that we are coordinating with the community of White Bluff to have a Back to School bash on July 27th here at the library from 11-1.

Our goal is to provided basic school supplies for roughly 50 students. If we have more, great! It will most definitely be first come, first serve.

We already have a few community sponsors that are helping us. Snow Station will be here the day of with snowballs! SOS Massage has donated goody bags to go in the backpacks. We have also had individual donors bring in some school supplies.

School supplies we need still:

  • pencils - teachers like the Ticonderoga brand since they don't break as easily.
  • crayons - 16 count or 24 count - teachers prefer crayola.
  • notebook paper
  • erasers
  • glue-sticks
Mostly covered:
  • backpacks
  • folders
  • composition/spiral notebooks
Other ways to help:
  • outdoor games (we have the use of the Bibb White Bluff Civic Center for the day, please note that this would include setup, help, and cleanup.)
  • Snacks (donations of chips, cookies, water, and other snacks.)
  • We will need volunteers to help us as we hand out the supplies and to maintain order. 
If you are able to help us, email or call Faith at (615) 797-9553.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Activities for the week of June 17th

Are you enjoying our activities so far?

Spots Pots Pottery will be at the Jennie Woodworth Library June 18thThis is what is going on this week! Bring a friend and join us.

June 18th at 1 pm Story Time with Spots Pots Pottery. We will have a story and then get to enjoy making our own craft! 

June 20th at 4 pm Furry Critters with Randy Hedgepath, state naturalist. Join us as we learn about our local wildlife. Do you have a favorite wild animal? 

Friday, June 7, 2019

Activities for the week of June 10th

We are so excited to share our library with you!

The activities scheduled this week are:

June 11th at 1 pm - Ms. Liz is our story teller and she likes arachnids. Do YOU know what arachnids are? Make sure to come during story time to hear about them.

June 14th at 3 pm - We are having a play date for our younger patrons. Do you like apples to apples? connect 4? checkers? Go fish? Feel free to bring your favorite game or just come along.

Cannot wait to see our friends! And make new ones.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Birds of Prey

The Birds of Prey will be at the Jennie Woodworth Library TODAY, June 6, 2019 at 1 pm.

We are excited to have Ranger Tim bring his birds and share them with us.

All of our events are open to all ages.

UPDATE:: We gladly hosted 39 for this event in the auditorium. It was wonderful.